Friday 14 November 2014

Present Perfect Tense- ENGLISH GRAMMAR



·         Introduction
·         Meaning
·         Definition
·         A  present  perfect  in  positive  form
·         A  present  perfect  in  Negative  form
·         Present  perfect  on  the  verb “go”
·         Interrogative  Sentences
·         Use  of  “FOR”   and  “SINCE”
·         Structure  of  Active -  Passive  Voice
·         Examples  of  Active – Passive  voice
·         Past  participle  of  the  verbs
·         Examples
·         Bibliography

The present perfect tense is a rather important tense in English, but it gives speakers of some languages a difficult time. That is because it uses concepts or ideas that do not exist in those languages. In fact, the structure of the present perfect tense is very simple. The problems come with the use of the tense. In addition, there are some differences in usage between British and American English.
What  is  the  present  perfect  ?

We  use  the  present  perfect  to  describe  an  action  that  happened  just  before  now. 
You  can not  use  the  present  perfect  to  say  things  like:  Yesterday, One  year  ago,  When       I  lived  in  Japan,  that  day,  One  day,  etc.

     An aspect of the verb expressing an action that began in the past and which has been completed or continues into the present. The present perfect is formed by combining has or have with a past participle.

The  present  perfect  tense in  Positive  Form

I/YOU/WE/THEY                  Have  Spoken
HE/SHE/IT                          Has  spoken

The  present  perfect  tense  in  negative  Form

I/YOU/WE/THEY                  Haven’t  spoken
HE/SHE/IT                           Hasn’t  spoken
Present  perfect  of  the  verb  “go”.


Have   I  eaten?
Have  you  eaten? 
Has  he  eaten?
Has  she  eaten?
 Has  it  eaten?
Have  we  eaten?
Have  they  eaten?
When  do  we  use  “FOR”  and “SINCE”?
We  use  “FOR”  with  a  period  of  time, 

For  example:-

For  a  few  days,
For  half  an  hour.
For  two  years.
For  a  year.
For  three  hours.
We  use  “SINCE”  with  the  time  when  the  action  standard, 

For  example:-
Since  last  year
Since  June  8th
Since  I met  you
Since  last  Week

Structure  Of  Active – Passive  Voice
Active  Voice:-

Passive  Voice:-

   Examples  of  Active  voice - Passive
1) I  had  eaten  an  apple. – Active
     An  apple had   been   eaten   by  me.- Passive
2)  Swati     had    finished   her homework.- Active
     Her homework  had  been  finished  by  Swati.- Passive
3) Namin  had   bought  a  car.- Active
    A  car  had  been  bought  by  Namin.- Passive
Say  the  past  participles of  the  verbs

See         Seen                teach    taught
Cut          Cut                   ring      rung                              
Work       Worked             do       done   
Leave      Left                   eat      eaten
Feed        fed                   catch   caught
Bring       brought             sing     sung
Swim       swum                buy     bought
Complete  the  blanks  with  the  present  perfect  tense.

1.I  …have…seen..( seen)   that  film   before.
2.We……(read)  three  English  books    in   class.
3.My  mother…has..been…(be)  to  London  twice  this  year.
4.The  children…have..eaten…(eat)   breakfast.
5.You…have..drunk…(drink)  all  the  coffee.


         Objective   English  for  Competitive  Examinations
         - Hari  Mohan  Prasad
         - Uma  Rani  sinha
         Business  Communication  Concepts,  Cases  and  Applications
         -  P.D.  Chaturvedi
         -  Mukesh  Chaturvedi

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