Monday 17 November 2014

Affirmative sentence- ENGLISH GRAMMAR



A sentence that affirms (rather than negates) a proposition is called affirmative sentence.
An affirmative word or reply means “Yes” or express agreement.
A sentence that affirms (rather than negates) a proposition.

Example :-

 She answered  in the affirmative ( said = yes). 

Affirmative statements 

An affirmative statement states that something is true. In an affirmative statement, the verb follows the subject.

E.g. I am awake.

      They are ready.

In the first example, the verb am follows the subject I. In the second example, the verb are follows the subject they. In written English, statements are always followed by a period: Statements and questions must begin with a capital letter.

Affirmative as a Noun, Adjective & Adverb

Noun :-
A word or statement of agreement or assent, such as the  word yes.
Adjective :-
Saying that something stated is true; answering “yes”
Adverb :-
Informal Used in place of the response “yes” to express confirmation

Affirmative Sentence V/S Negative Sentence

Affirmative sentence
Negative sentence
I am enough.
I am not good enough.
I determine my own destiny.
I am unlucky.
I am a great person.
I’m a bad person.
I am moving forward today.
There is always tomorrow.
My life and happiness is up to me.
Oh well, such is life.

Affirmative Sentence V/S Question Sentence

Affirmative Sentence
Question Sentence
She can work.
Can she work?
He would be working.
Would he be working?
They should have worked.
Should they have worked?

Make positive communications a habit. Focus on the positive in goal statements, self-talk, and all communications. Focus with affirmation statements. Affirmative statements are positive self-statements or reminders to help you achieve goals.

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