Monday 17 November 2014






•         Definition
•         Important characteristics of compound sentences
•         Example
•         Exercise 


•         A compound sentence is a sentence which contains two or more co-ordinate clauses.
•       These two clauses are usually connected in a compound sentence by a conjunction. The coordinating conjunctions are "and", "but", "for", "or", "nor", "yet", or "so".

         1. He is rich but he is unhappy.
        2. work hard and you will pass.

•  Important characteristics of compound sentences

1.      A compound sentence is like a set of twins; each is a separate person, yet each is connected to the other with the same biological "make-up." That is, each has a subject, a verb, and words to complete the thought. Although they are joined by a linking word, each sentence of the compound is complete in it self and can stand alone. 

2.      The two parts of the compound sentence need to be linked correctly, with a comma and then a linking word at the place where one sentence ends and the other begins. (Otherwise you will have a sentence error called a run-on sentence. Run-on sentences are typically compound sentences without the proper punctuation and/or linking word.) 

3.      Because there are two complete sentences in a compound sentence, each has equal weight in terms of the ideas being presented. That is, you may want to link sentences into a compound to show that their ideas are equally important.

4. The linking word shows the relationship between the ideas:
 and = the 2nd sentence contains the same type of idea
but = the 2nd sentence contains an equal but opposite idea

•      Example

1.      We must eat or we cannot live.

2.      It was summer and the sun was hot.
3.      Work hard otherwise, you  will not pass.

4.      The thief saw the policeman and he escaped.
5.      He wanted to get the first  prize so he worked hard.

6 .He wanted to get the  first prize  therefore, he work hard.

•         Simple sentences into compound sentences

1.     My friend invited me to a party. I do not want to go.
        My friend invited me to a party, but I do not  want to go.

2.    Batman is a hero. He is successful in catching the criminals in his city.
        Batman is a hero, and he is successful in catching the criminals in his city.

•         Independent clause + conjunction+ independent clause.

Conjunction like

•         But
•         Or
•         Nor
•         And
•         For
•         Yet
•         so   

For ex. 

•          I washed the dishes, and my wife dried them.

•         He doesn’t like the dentist, but he needs some work done.

•         Elena will either visit her cousin or will stay home.

•         Usha needed some milk, so she went to the store.

•         She went to the corner store, for she had heard the quality of their products is good.

•          She came for the party, And found it very noisy.

•         They went to the party together, but they didn’t talk to each other.

•         She didn’t like plays , nor did she like movies.

•         Eat some breakfast, or you will feel faint.

•         She was ill, yet she went to school

•         She was good at cooking, so they asked her to make lunch.


1.    Though he is rich, he has no peace of mind.

2.    If you  speak the truth, you will be forgiven.

3.    Unless you walk fast, you will miss the bus.

4.    The weather being fine, I went for a walk.

 5.The black dog has won many prizes. He doesn't know many tricks.

6. She saw a cat run in front of her. She fell down while roller-skating. 

7. There was a meteor shower. The crew did not know how to avoid the meteors.

8. I wanted to buy a baby Chihuahua. I started to save my money.

9. Gillian did not like to read. She was not very good at it.

10. Pam liked Wayne. Leena also liked Wayne.

11. The little boy did not like going to school. He went anyway.

12. You can cry like a baby. You can clean your room like an adult .

13. She didn't want to play with Jill. She didn't want to play with Tim.

14. Arleen could not play with that boy. Arleen could not play with that other boy.

15. Let's go to the swimming pool. It's hot inside the house.

16. I don’t want to eat. I don't want to drink.

17. I don’t want to practice playing my violin. I don’t want to disobey my mother.

18. I want to own my own company. I want to pay all my workers a lot of money.

19. I need to go to the store. I'm feeling too sick to drive.

20. Rabbits make good pets. They don’t make too much noise and they are clean.

21. I want to go to the circus. I want to ride a pony.

22. I didn’t do my homework. My parents punished me.

23. I have never visited Asia. I have never visited Africa.

24. You can make a big poster. You can make a little clay statue.

•         Answer

1. He is rich but he has no peace of mind.

2. Speak the truth and you will be forgiven.

3. Walk fast otherwise you will  miss the bus.

4. It  was  a  fine weather so I went for a walk.

5. The black dog has won many prizes, but he doesn’t know many tricks.

6. She saw a cat run in front of her, so she fell down while roller skating.

7. There was a meteor shower in space, but the crew did not know how to avoid the meteors.

8. I wanted to buy a baby Chihuahua, so I started to save my money.

9. Gillian did not like to read, for she was not very good at it.

10. Pam liked Wayne, and Leena also liked Wayne.

11. The little boy did not like to go to school, yet he went anyway.

12. You could cry like a baby, or you can clean your room like an adult.

13. She didn’t want to play with Jill, and she didn’t want to play with Tim.

14. Arleen’s could not play with that boy, nor could she play with that other boy.

15. Let’s go to the swimming pool, for it’s hot inside the house.

16. I don’t want to eat, and I don’t want to drink.

17. I don’t want to practice playing the violin, yet I don’t want to disobey my mother.

18. I want to own my own company, and I want to pay all my workers a lot of money.

19. I need to go to the store, but I’m feeling too sick to drive.

20. Rabbits make good pets, for they don’t make too much noise and they are clean.

21. I want to go to the circus, and I want to ride a pony.

22. I didn’t do my homework, so my parents punished me.

23. I have never visited Asia, nor have I visited Africa.

24. You can make a big poster, or you can make a little clay statue.

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